
Daniele Brusaschetto
Daniele Brusaschetto is with Radio Onde Furlane and 3 others.
25/05/2024 - Tonight's Symphony Of Silence radio show on Radio Onde Furlane will feature Daniele Brusaschetto. Grazie Adriano Moschioni !!
Daniele Brusaschetto
Daniele Brusaschetto is with and 2 others.
06/05/3024 - ".. Un prodotto pensato bene, registrato con efficacia e finalizzato con i medesimi, alti, standard qualitativi..". Bella recensione su Grazie #GiandomenicoPiccolo !!
Daniele Brusaschetto
Daniele Brusaschetto is with Wormholedeath and 2 others.
29/04/2023 - "The Italian-born singer creates unique sound worlds that are sometimes hard and driving and sometimes electronic and seductive.." Finally Sonic Seducer Musikmagazin and its CD compilation is in my hands.
Daniele Brusaschetto
Daniele Brusaschetto is with Wormholedeath and Lo Dev Alm.
25/04/2025 - Working on the floor of the new studio. Grazie Valerio! Felice 25 aprile a tutti gli italiani!!
Daniele Brusaschetto
Daniele Brusaschetto is with Wormholedeath and Lo Dev Alm.
12/04/2024 - The new issue of the german magazine Sonic Seducer is out. Inside you'll find a nice CD compilation with Daniele Brusaschetto who is super-proud to share his music with Ministry | Leaves' Eyes | Lovelorn Dolls I Michael McCain l Jeremy Harry Harris | Nonexister The Sonic Tides | Pending Position | Mojo Tooth I Merry Chicklit I Elektroklange l Nachtfalter and more... What a shot! Danke!! ❤️